2024 Locus Award Nomination

So I was nominated for the Locus award, for the fourth time in a row, fourth year running.

This time, like in 2022, two years ago, I was nominated in two categories, best editor and beat anthology. And I was nominated for best anthology, for the Year’s Best African Speculative Fiction volume 2, guest edited by Eugen Bacon and Milton Davis.

Interestingly, two years ago when I was nominated for the same two categories, I was nominated for the volume 1 of the Year’s Best African Speculative Fiction anthology series, which I founded, edited and published.

This current volume 2, is published by Caezik Books of Arc Manor, run by Shahid Mahmud, assisted by Lezli Robyn and other amazing folks.

You can get the anthology here and see the complete shortlist here

4 thoughts on “2024 Locus Award Nomination

  1. Congratulations. Can I ask if any of the editors are going to be at the Glasgow Worldcon this year. As it’s in the UK I will actually get to go, so wonder if there are any African SF/ Afropantheology panels being planned.


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